Competition Law

Competition Law

Whish, Richard; Bailey, David

Oxford University Press





15 a 20 dias

1: Competition policy and economics
2: Overview of EU and UK competition law
3: Article 101 (1)
4: Article 101 (3)
5: Article 102
6: The obligations of Member States under the EU competition rules
7: Articles 101 and 102 - public enforcement by the European Commission and national competition authorities under Regulation 1/2003
8: Articles 101 and 102 - private enforcement in the courts of Member States
9: Competition Act 1998 - substantive provisions
10: Competition Act 1998 and the cartel offence - public enforcement and procedure
11: Enterprise Act 2002 - market studies and market investigations
12: The international dimension of competition law
13: Horizontal agreements (1) - cartels
14: Horizontal agreements (2) - oligopoly, tacit collusion, and collective dominance
15: Horizontal agreements (3) - cooperation agreements
16: Vertical agreements
17: Abuse of dominance (1) - non-pricing practices
18: Abuse of dominance (2) - pricing practices
19: The relationship between intellectual property rights and competition law
20: Mergers (1) - introduction
21: Mergers (2) - EU law
22: Mergers (3) - UK
23: Particular sectors
Assunto não disponível.