Karl Barth

Karl Barth

A Life in Conflict

Tietz, Christiane; Barnett, Dr Victoria J.

Oxford University Press






15 a 20 dias


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1: "I Belong To Basel": 1886-1904
Guildmaster, Pastors and Scholars: Barth's Ancestors
A Strict Love for Truth and Christian Discipline: His Parents
"A Great Great Joy": Childhood and Youth
2: "This Obscure Desire toward a Better Understanding": 1904-1909
The Decision to Study Theology
Student in Bern
Wearing the Colors and Noncombative: In the Zofingia Association
"Very Diligent and Quite Capable": Student in Berlin
Once More in Bern and Then Tuebingen
Finally in Marburg
His Work for Die Christliche Welt
3: "Stumbling Up the Steps to Calvin's Pulpit": 1909-1911
Vicar in Geneva
Quite Demanding: The First Confirmation Instruction
Theologian in the Congregation
"In Such a Dreadfully Pious Environment"
A Daughter from a Good Home: The Engagement to Nelly Hoffmann
Farewell to Geneva
4: "The Red Pastor": Safenwil, 1911-1921
"This System of Employment Must Fall": Workers and Socialists
A Theological Friendship: Eduard Thurneysen
"The WorldWithout Gods": The First World War
"An Open House": Family Life
5: "A Book for Those Who Were Also Concerned": The First Epistle to the Romans, 1919
Human Religion and the Divine Word
"Like a Bomb on the Playground of the Theologians"
"Without Windows to the Kingdom of Heaven": The Tambach Lecture
6: "To Always Work Somewhat Faster": Goettingen 1921-1925
From Swiss Pastor to German Professor
"Unavoidable Nonsense of the Academic Business"
"Almost Like a Buddy": Barth with His Students
"Lively Combat": Emanuel Hirsch and Other Colleagues
"Stranger from a Neutral Place": Karl Barth and the Germans
7: "Not a Stone Left Standing": The Second Version of the Epistle to the Romans, 1922
A Critical Turn
The new version of the Epistle to the Romans
Critics and Admirers
What is Dialectical Theology?
Dialectical Traveling Companions: Brunner, Bultmann, Gogarten
Fifteen Questions and Sixteen Answers: The Controversy with Harnack
8: "The Need for Thinking Further": Muenster 1925-1930
A Call and a Momentous Encounter
Received with Joy, Departing in Discord
In the Tunnel of the Semester
Return to Bern?
"The Church, the Church, the Church": Encounters with Catholicism
Riding, House Music and Travel
9: A Troubled 'Menage a Trois': Charlotte von Kirschbaum
A Long-Guarded Secret
"I Never Knew That There Could Be Something Like This"
"A Certain Double Life"
Three Under One Roof
10: "A Swissman in the Middle of Germany": Bonn 1930-1935
Working on Theology
The Humanity of God
First Conflicts with German Nationalists: the Case of Guenther Dehn
Now's the Time for the Social Democrat Party: 1933
Warnings to the Church and a Letter to Hitler
1933 as a Year of Crisis in the Barth Household
The Theological Dimension of Barth's Relationship to Charlotte von Kirschbaum
Attacks on the Swissman
Against the "German greeting"
The Break with his Dialectical Travelling Companions
The Barmen Theological Declaration
Suspension, Ban on Public Speaking, Dismissal
11: "We Who Can Still Speak": Basel 1935-1945
Life Goes On: Professor in Basel
International Honors and Lack of Appreciation
Battle for the Confessing Church
Anti-Appeasement: The Call to the Czechs to Resist
The Political Responsibility of a Christian
Church Struggle and Refugee Aid
Ecumenical Silence at the Onset of the War
Family Intrigues and Grief
A Call for Military Resistance, and Swiss Censorship
A Friend of the Germans, Nonetheless
12: "In Political Respects a Dubious Will-o'-the-Wisp": Basel 1945-1962
War's End and the Declaration of Guilt
Back to Bonn and, Once Again, State and Church Issues
"God's Beloved Eastern Zone": Against Anti-Communism
A Pacifist after All? Protest against Rearmament and Nuclear Weapons
Yes to Ecumenism, but without the Catholics
The Master with the Crumpled Tie
The Discovery of Optimism in Prison
Courage, Tempo, Purity, Peace: Confession to Mozart
Children, Grandchildren, and the Rejection of His Desired Successor
13: "The White Whale": Church Dogmatics
"A Conceptual Helix": Barth's Monumental Work
The Threefold Form of the Word of God
God's Three Modes of Being
"God is" means "God loves"
Whom God Elects
What God Commands
Why God Wants the Creation
Nothingness and the Shadow Sides of Creation
The Threefold Office of Christ and the Three Forms of Sin
The Light Shines Where It Wishes
The Baptism of Water and of the Spirit
14: "All Things Considered, A Little Tired": The Final Years, Basel 1962-1968
"Fantastic": A Calvinist in the United States
"Rules for Older people in Relation to Younger"
"As If Deeply Veiled": Charlotte von Kirschbaum Must Move Out
"Separated Brothers": In Conversation with Rome
A Late Friendship with Carl Zuckmayer
The Uncompleted Mammoth Work
At the End of His Life Journey
Index of Names
Index of Subjects
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