Population Biology of Vector-Borne Diseases

Population Biology of Vector-Borne Diseases

Drake, John M.; Bonsall, Michael; Strand, Michael

Oxford University Press






15 a 20 dias


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1: John M. Drake, Michael Bonsall and Michael Strand: Introduction: current topics in the population biology of infectious diseases
Section I: Theory of Population Biology
2: Robert C. Reiner Jr. and David L Smith: Heterogeneity, stochasticity and complexity in the dynamics and control of mosquito-borne pathogens
3: T. Alex Perkins, Guido Espana, Sean M. Moore, Rachel J. Oidtman, Swarnali Sharma, Brajendra Singh, Amir S. Siraj, K. James Soda, Morgan Smith, Magdalene K. Walters and Edwin Michael: Seven challenges for spatial analyses of vector-borne diseases
4: Stephen A Lauer, Alexandria C Brown and Nicholas G Reich: Infectious disease forecasting for public health
5: John M. Drake, Krisztian Magori, Kevin Knoblich, Sarah E. Bowden and Waheed I. Bajwa: Force of infection and variation in outbreak size in a multi-species host-pathogen system: West Nile Virus in New York City
Section II: Empirical Ecology
6: Marta S. Shocket, Christopher B. Anderson, Jamie M. Caldwell, Marissa L. Childs, Lisa I. Couper, Songhee Han, Mallory J. Harris, Meghan E. Howard, Morgan P. Kain, Andrew J. MacDonald, Nicole Nova, and Erin A. Mordecai: Environmental drivers of vector-borne diseases
7: Simon Gubbins: Population biology of Culicoides-borne viruses of livestock in Europe
8: Maria A. Diuk-Wasser, Maria Pilar Fernandez and Stephen Davis: Ecological interactions influencing the emergence, abundance and human exposure to tick-borne pathogens
9: Michelle V. Evans, Philip M. Newberry and Courtney C Murdock: Carry-over effects of the larval environment in mosquito-borne disease systems
10: Sinead English, Antoine M. G. Barreaux, Michael B. Bonsall, John W. Hargrove, Matt J. Keeling, Kat S. Rock and Glyn A. Vale: Incorporating vector ecology and life history into disease transmission models: insights from tsetse (Glossina spp.)
Section III: Ecological Interactions
11: Christine M Reitmayer, Michelle V. Evans, Kerri L. Miazgowicz, Philip M. Newberry, Nicole Solano, Blanka Tesla and Courtney C. Murdock: Mosquito- virus interactions
12: Michael Z. Levy: Kindling, logs and coals: the dynamics of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas Disease, in Arequipa, Peru
13: Kerri L. Coon and Michael R. Strand: Gut microbiome assembly and function in mosquitoes
Section IV: Applications
14: Sadie J. Ryan, Catherine A. Lippi, Kevin L. Bardosh, Erika F. Frydenlund, Holly D. Gaff, Naveed Heydari, Anthony J. Wilson and Anna M. Stewart-Ibarra: Direct and indirect social drivers and impacts of vector borne diseases
15: Michael Bonsall: Vector control, optimal control and vector-borne disease dynamics