Short Circuiting Policy

Short Circuiting Policy

Interest Groups and the Battle Over Clean Energy and Climate Policy in the American States

Stokes, Leah Cardamore

Oxford University Press Inc






15 a 20 dias


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List of Abbreviations
List of Figures
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. When New Policies Fail to Create a New Politics
Chapter 3. An Institutional History of Electricity Politics and Climate Inaction
Chapter 4. Policy Feedback: Networked and Influential Advocates Use the Public to Drive Clean Energy Leadership in Texas
Chapter 5. A Direct Line to Legislators and Regulators: Fossil Fuel Corporations and the Limitations of Texas's Renewable Energy Laws
Chapter 6. Retrenchment by a Thousand Cuts: Fossil Fuel Opponents Drive Polarization on Clean Energy in Kansas
Chapter 7. Regulatory Capture: Electric Utilities Retrench Arizona's Net Metering Laws
Chapter 8. When the Fog of Enactment Lifts: Late Action brings Rapid Retrenchment of Ohio's Renewable Energy Laws
Chapter 9. Conclusion
Appendix:List of Interviews