Diversity in Deaf Education

Diversity in Deaf Education

Skordilis, Emmanouil K.; Marschark, Marc; Lampropoulou, Venetta

Oxford University Press Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. Recognizing Diversity in Deaf Education: From Paris to Athens with a Diversion to Milan - Greg Leigh and Marc Marschark

Chapter 2. Evidence Based-Practice in Early Intervention: The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating - Marilyn Sass-Lehrer and Alys Young

Chapter 3. The Transition from Early Intervention to School for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
Children - Brenda T. Poon, Janet R. Jamieson, Anat Zaidman-Zait, Deirdre Curle, Nancy Norman, and Noreen Simmons

Chapter 4. School as a Site for Natural Language Learning - Marlon Kuntze, Debbie Golos, Kimberly Wolbers, Catherine O'Brien, and David Smith

Chapter 5. On the Home Front: Parent Personality, Support, and Deaf Student Success - Patrick Brice, Rachael Plotkin, and Jennifer Reesman

Chapter 6. High Standard Competencies for Teachers of the Deaf and Other Qualified Professionals: Always Necessary, Not Always Guaranteed - Guido Lichtert, Kevin Miller, Areti Okalidou, Paul Simpson, and Astrid van Wieringen

Chapter 7. Exploring Signed Language Assessment Tools in Europe and North America - Charlotte Enns, Tobias Haug, Rosalind Herman, Robert Hoffmeister, Wolfgang Mann, and Lynn McQuarrie

Chapter 8. Language use in the classroom: Accommodating the needs of diverse DHH learners - Harry Knoors

Chapter 9. The Development of Pragmatic Skills in Children and Young People Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing - Dianne Toe, Pasquale Rinaldi, Maria Cristina Caselli, Louise Paatsch, and Amelia Church

Chapter 10. Addressing Diversity in Teaching Deaf Learners to Write - Connie Mayer

Chapter 11. Many Languages, One Goal: Interventions for Language Mastery by School-Age Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners - Susan R. Easterbrooks, Joanna E. Cannon, and Jessica W. Trussell

Chapter 12. From Social Periphery to Social Centrality: Building Social Capital for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in the 21st Century - Gina A. Oliva, Linda Risser Lytle, Mindy Hopper, and Joan Ostrove

Chapter 13. The Inclusion of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Mainstream Education: Classroom Participation and its Relationship to Communication, Academic and Social Skills - Naama Tsach, and Tova Most

Chapter 14. Mental Health Problems in Deaf and Severely Hard-of-Hearing Children and Adolescents: An Overview - Tiejo van Gent and Ines Sleeboom-van Raaij

Chapter 15. A Comprehensive Reading Intervention: Positive Postsecondary Outcomes and a Promising Practice for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing - Greta Palmberg and Kendra Rask

Chapter 16. Considering Critical Factors Towards the Inclusion of Deaf Students in Higher Education - Merv Hyde, Magda Nikolaraizi Denise Powell, and Michael Stinson

Chapter 17. 21st Century Deaf Workers: Going Beyond Just Employed to Career Growth and Entrepreneurship - Ronald R. Kelly, Andrew B. Quagliata, Richard DeMartino, and Victor Perotti

Chapter 18. Recognizing Diversity In Deaf Education: Now What Do We Do With It?! - Marc Marschark and Greg Leigh