Oxford Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Oxford Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Denny, Lynette; Ledger, William; Doumouchtsis, Professor Stergios; Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam

Oxford University Press






15 a 20 dias

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Section 1: Basics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
1: Stergios Doumouchtsis: Basic science in obstetrics and gynaecology
2: Frank A. Chervenak and Laurence B. McCullough: Ethics in obstetrics and gynaecology
3: Thomas Ind: Clinical anatomy of the pelvis and the reproductive organs
4: Adonis Ioannides: Genetics for the obstetrician and gynaecologist
5: Leroy Edozien: Clinical governance
6: Carmen Binding and Mahantesh Karoshi: Preconceptional medicine
7: Tahir Mahmood: Obesity in obstetrics and gynaecology practice
Section 2: Fetomaternal Medicine
8: Nicola Vousden and Andrew H. Shennan: Maternal physiology
9: Eric Jauniaux, Amarnath Bhide, and Graham J. Burton: The placenta
10: Jane E. Hirst and Aris T. Papageorghiou: Fetal Growth
11: Ana Pinas Carrillo and Amar Bhide: Prenatal diagnosis
12: Philip Steer: Cardiac disease in pregnancy
13: Michael Permezel and Alexis Shub: Diabetes in pregnancy
14: David Williams: Renal disease in pregnancy
15: Amanda Ali and Hassan Shehata: Haematological disorders in pregnancy
16: Ian A. Greer: Thrombosis and embolism in pregnancy
17: Austin Ugwumadu: Infections and immunisation in pregnancy
18: Arianna Di Florio and Ian Jones: Psychiatric disorders in pregnancy
19: Caitriona Monaghan and Basky Thilaganathan: Fetal therapy
20: Surabhi Nanda and James P. Neilson: Multiple pregnancy
21: Laura A. Magee and Peter von Dadelszen: Hypertensionby
22: Gbemisola Okunoye and Justin C. Konje: Antepartum haemorrhage
23: Catherine Williamson: Endocrine and liver diseases in pregnancy
24: Judith Wagner and Tim J. von Oertzen: Neurological disorders in pregnancy
25: Catherine Nelson-Piercy and Stephen Lapinsky: Respiratory disorders in pregnancy
Section 3: Management of Labour
26: Devendra Kanagalingam: The management of labour
27: Vikram Sinai Talauliker and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran: Fetal monitoring during labour
28: Sohail Bampoe and Anthony Addei: Obstetric analgesia and anaesthesia
29: Kiren Ghag, Cathy Winter, and Tim Draycott: Obstetric emergencies
30: Angharad Care and Zarko Alfirevic: Preterm labour
31: Kate F. Walker and Jim G. Thornton: Prolonged pregnancy
32: Deirdre J. Murphy: Malpresentation, malposition, and cephalopelvic disproportion
33: Yvonne Kwun Yue Cheng and Tak Yeung Leung: Obstetric procedure
34: David A. Ellwood and Vicki Flenady: Stillbirth
35: Stephen J. Robson: Postpartum care and problems in the puerperium
36: Andrew Weeks and Julia P. Polk: Induction of labor
Section 4: Neonatal Care and Neonatal Problems
37: Vimal Vasu and Neena Modi: Neonatal care and neonatal problems
Section 5: Gynaecological Problems and Early Pregnancy Loss
38: Vikram Sinai Talaulikar and Mushi Matjila: Miscarriage and recurrent miscarriage
39: Mayank Madhra and Andrew W. Horne: Ectopic pregnancy
40: Lucy H.R. Whitaker, Karolina Skorupskaite, Jacqueline A. Maybin, and Hilary O.D. Critchley: The menstrual cycle
41: Ian S. Fraser and Marina Berbic: Menstrual disorders, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhoea
42: Zhongwei Huang and Eu Leong Yong: Polycystic ovary syndrome
43: Gillian Dean and Jonathan Ross: Pelvic inflammatory disease
44: Jacqueline Pui Wah Chung and Tin Chiu Li: Chronic pelvic pain
45: Arne Vanhie and Thomas D'Hooghe: Endometriosis
46: Jenifer Sassarini and Mary Ann Lumsden: Menopause
Section 6: Surgical Procedures and Postoperative Care
47: Stephanie S. Anduriputri, Stephen D. Lyons and Jason A. Abbott: Laparoscopy
48: O.A. O'Donovan and Peter J. O'Donovan: Hysteroscopy
Section 7: Benign Disease of the Uterus
49: Sahana Gupta and Isaac Manyonda: Benign disease of the uterus
Section 8: Benign Disease of the Vulva
50: Rosalind Simpson and David Nunns: Benign disease of the vulva
Section 9: Reproductive Medicine
51: Siladitya Bhattacharya Smriti Bhatta: Infertility
52: William Ledger: Assisted reproduction
Section 10: Sexual and Reproductive
53: Zephne M. van der Spuy and Petrus S. Steyn: Contraception
54: Hang Wu Raymond Li and Pak Chung Ho: Termination of pregnancy
55: Tonye Wokoma and Stephen Lindow: Violence against women and girls
Section 11: Urogynaecology and Pelvic Floor Disorders
56: Suneetha Rachaneni, Anupreet Dua, and Robert Freeman: Pelvic organ prolapse
57: Jay Iyer and Ajay Rane: Urinary incontinence
58: Karen Nugent: Faecal incontinence and anorectal dysfunction
59: Stergios Doumouchtsis: Childbirth trauma
60: Ganesh Adaikan: Female sexual dysfunction
Section 12: Gynaecological Oncology
61: Lynette Denny and Rengaswamy Sankaranarayan: Cancer screening and prevention in gynaecology
62: Walter Prendiville: Premalignant and malignant disease of the cervix
63: Nomonde H. Mbatani and Dominic G.D. Richards: Uterine cancer
64: Jonathan A. Ledermann and Christina Fotopoulou: Ovarian, fallopian tube, and peritoneum cancer
65: Linda Rogers, Maaike Oonk, and Ate van der Zee: Premalignant and malignant disease of the vulva and vagina
66: Hextan Y.S. Ngan, Karen K.L. Chan, and Siew-Fei Ngu: Gestational trophoblastic tumours
67: Stephanie Lheureux and Amit M. Oza: Chemotherapy and biological, targeted, and immune therapies in gynaecological cancers
68: Anthony Fyles, Anuja Jhingran, David Gaffney, Dustin Boothe, Marco Carlone, and Tim Craig: Radiation therapy in the management of gynaecological cancers
69: Joanna M. Cain and Shelley M. Kibel: Palliative care
70: Jaime Prat: Pathology of tumours of the female genital tract
71: Andy Nordin and Manas Chakrabarti: Premalignant disease of the genital tract in pregnancy
72: Matthys Hendrik Botha: Cancer in Pregnancy
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