Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology

Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology

Allen, Michael; Swain, Scott R.

Oxford University Press






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: Scott R. Swain

Part I. Contexts

Reformed Theology and the Church Fathers
Aza Goudriaan
2 Reformed Theology and Medieval Theology
Christopher Cleveland
3 Reformed Theology in the Context of the Reformation(s)
Carl Trueman
4 Reformed Theology in its Scholastic Development
Maarten Wisse
5 Reformed Theology and the Enlightenment
David S. Sytsma
6 Reformed Theology and the Humanities
Marilynne Robinson
7 Reformed Theology and Modern Biblical Criticism
Don Collett and Mark Gignilliat
8 Reformed Theology in Modern Europe (Nineteenth- and Twentieth Centuries)
James Eglinton
9 Reformed Theology in North America
Paul Lim and Drew Martin
10 Reformed Theology and Global Christianity: The Cases of South Africa and Korea
D. G. Hart

Part II. Texts

11 Martin Bucer's Kingdom of Christ
Scott Amos
12 John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
Paul Helm
13 Heinrich Bullinger's Decades
Bruce Gordon
14 The Three Forms of Unity
Lyle D. Bierma and Donald Sinnema
15 The Westminster Standards
Chad Van Dixhoorn
16 John Owen's Discourse on the Holy Spirit
Suzanne McDonald
17 Francis Turretin's Institutes of Elenctic Theology
J. Mark Beach
18 Jonathan Edwards' A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections
Kyle Strobel
19 Friedrich Schleiermacher's Christian Faith
Shelli M. Poe
20 Abraham Kuyper's Lectures on Calvinism
Richard J. Mouw
21 Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics
Eberhard Busch
22 The Belhar Confession
Robert Vosloo

Part III. Topics and Themes

23 Prolegomena
Gijsbert van den Brink
24 The Doctrine of God
Katherine Sonderegger
25 The Divine Decree
Paul T. Nimmo
26 Creation and Providence
Cornelis van der Kooi
27 Covenant
Michael S. Horton
28 Christ
Ivor J. Davidson
29 Redemption Accomplished: Atonement
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
30 Redemption Applied: Union with Christ
J. Todd Billings
31 Church
Amy Plantinga Pauw
32 Sacraments
Martha Moore-Keish
33 Holy Scripture
Daniel J. Treier
34 Liturgy
Sue A. Rozeboom
35 Reformed Ethics
Philip G. Ziegler
36 Politics, Society, and Law
David Fergusson
37 Last Things
Christopher R. J. Holmes

Future Prospects for Reformed Theology
Michael Allen

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