Oxford History of the Irish Book, Volume II

Oxford History of the Irish Book, Volume II

The Printed Book in Irish, 1567-2010s

O Ciardha, Eamonn; Titley, Alan; Sewell, Frank

Oxford University Press





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1: Eamonn O Ciardha, Frank Sewell, and Alan Titley: Introduction: Irish-Language Book History since 1567
2: Marc Caball: 'Some taste therefore of that heavenly food': The Reformation and the Book in Irish, 1567-1690
3: Alan Titley: John Carswell and Foirm na nUrrnuidheadh (1567)
4: Robert J. Hunter: John Franckton, Printer, and the Book of Common Prayer in Irish: Leabhar na nUrnaightheadh gComhchoidchiond (1608)
5: Micheal Mac Craith: Early Published Works in Irish and their Distribution: Sixteenth to Eighteenth Century
6: Edel Bhreathnach: The Irish Franciscan Contribution to Irish Book Production and the Culture of Books in the Seventeenth Century
7: Ben Hazard: Tradition and Transformation: Florence Conry and the Irish Literary Community, c.1593-1658
8: Gearoidin Ui Laighleis: Aodh Mac Aingil (1571-1626): Theologian, Prose Stylist, and Poet
9: Charles Dillon: Micheal O Cleirigh and the Annals of the Four Masters (1632-6)
10: Tadhg O Dushlaine: 'A Basis for Knowledge about Ireland': Geoffrey Keating's Foras Feasa ar Eirinn (c.1634)
11: Nollaig O Muraile: John O'Donovan's Edition of the Annals of the Four Masters (1848-51)
12: Lesa Ni Mhunghaile: Historians, Antiquarians, and Irish Book History in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
13: Vincent Morley: Hugh MacCurtin (c.1680-1755) and the Importance of Print
14: Diarmaid O Doibhlin: Devotional Literature in Gaelic Ireland in the Eighteenth Century
15: Ciaran Mac Murchaidh: Bishop James Gallagher's Sermons (1736)
16: Andrew Sneddon: Bishop Francis Hutchinson and The Church Catechism in Irish (1722)
17: Micheal Mac Craith: James Macpherson (1736-96): Father of Fingal, Father of Ossian, Last of the Race
18: Lesa Ni Mhunghaile: Charlotte Brooke and Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789)
19: Dorothy Ni Uigin: Bolg an tSolair: Gaelic Magazine (1795) and the Recommencement of Printing in Irish
20: Eamonn O Ciardha: Irish-Language Print Culture, 1691-1900
21: Alan Titley: The Pious Miscellany (1802) of Tadhg Gaelach O Suilleabhain (c.1715-c.1795)
22: Proinsias O Drisceoil: John O'Daly (Sean O Dalaigh, 1800/3-78): Publishing Pioneer and Language Revivalist
23: Niall O Ciosain: Print Literacy in Irish in the Nineteenth Century
24: Brian O Conchubhair: The Irish Book, 1876-1923
25: Mairtin O Murchu: The Society for the Preservation of the Irish Language, 1876-1942
26: Fionnuala Ui Fhlannagain: An Gaodhal/The Gael (Oct. 1881-Dec. 1904)
27: Caoilfhionn Nic Phaidin: Bernard Doyle and Fainne an Lae (1898-1900)
28: Breandan O Conaire: Sharpness and Light: An Claidheamh Soluis (1899-1932)
29: Liam Mac Coil: O'Growney's Simple Lessons in Irish (first published 1894-1900)
30: Sean Ua Suilleabhain: Peadar O Laoghaire, Seadna (1894-1901), and after
31: Padraigin Riggs: The Irish Texts Society (1898-)
32: Roibeard O Maolalaigh: The School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (1940-)
33: Cathal O Hainle: The Development of a Standard for Modern Irish: An Caighdean Oifigiuil (1945) and after
34: Sean de Freine: The Road Back: Book Publishing in Irish in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
35: Gearoidin Ui Laighleis: An Gum (1926-)
36: Cian O hEigeartaigh: Sairseal agus Dill (1945-80)
37: Mairin Nic Eoin: An Clochomhar (1954-2008)
38: Aindrias O Cathasaigh: Coisceim: A Cultural Revolution (1980-)
39: Frank Sewell: 'From his H.Q. at the Kitchen Table': Clo Iar-Chonnacht (1985-)
40: Ciaran Mac Murchaidh: Cois Life (1995-2019)
41: Dorothy Ni Uigin and Liam Mac Amhlaigh: Learned Journals and Popular Journalism in Irish, 1795-2010s
42: Antain Mag Shamhrain: Irisleabhar Mha Nuad (1899-) and its Reception
43: Brian O Cathain: A Learned Assembly: Eigse (1939-)
44: Caoilfhionn Nic Phaidin: Mapping the Furrow: Comhar (1942-)
45: Siobhan Ni Laoire: Celtica (1946-)
46: Liam Mac Mathuna: Irish Lexicography, 1920s-2010s
47: Greg Toner: The Royal Irish Academy's Dictionary of the Irish Language based mainly on Old and Middle Irish (1913-76)
48: Diarmuid O Se: Heinrich Wagner's Linguistic Atlas and Survey of Irish Dialects (1958-69)
49: Liam Mac Amhlaigh: Prof. Tomas de Bhaldraithe (1916-96) and his Impact on Irish-Language Lexicography
50: Seamus Mac Mathuna: Some Irish Dictionary Projects with Special Reference to Ulster University's English-Irish/Irish-English Dictionary
51: Liam Mac Mathuna: Nonfiction: Peig Sayers' Peig .i. A Sceal Fein (1936) and its Reception
52: Diarmuid Breathnach and Maire Ni Mhurchu: Nonfiction: Beathaisneis: A Biographical Dictionary
53: Liam P. O Murchu: Nonfiction: Breandan O Buachalla's Aisling Ghear: Na Stiobhartaigh agus an tAos Leinn, 1603-1788 (1996)
54: Gearoid Denvir: Connaught Writers and the Irish Book, 1900s-2000s
55: Lillis O Laoire: Irish-Language Book History in Donegal
56: James Bennett: Educational Publishing in Irish: The Context, Production, and Reception of Irish-Language Primary School Textbooks, 1920-90
57: Riona Nic Congail: Irish-Language Children's Literature: A Short History, 1900s-2015
58: Daithi O hOgain: Folklore in Irish Book History, 1800-2000s
59: Daithi O hOgain: 'A Burning Urge to Save': Bealoideas (1927-)
60: Patrick McKay: Place-names and the History of the Irish Book
61: Michael Cronin: Translation in Irish-Language Book History
62: Padraig O Fiannachta: An Biobla Naofa (1981): its Production, Dissemination, and Reception
63: Maolmhaodhog O Ruairc: European Union Publications in Irish-Language Translation, 1972-2010
64: Padraig O Gormaile: Breandan O Doibhlin's French-Irish Translations, 1994-2004
65: Caitriona Ni Chleirchin: Translation Issues and the Contemporary Irish Book: Biddy Jenkinson and Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill
66: Pol O Dochartaigh: German Scholars and the Book in Irish, 1830s-2010s
67: Art Hughes: Celtic Studies as an Academic Discipline in France, 1870s-2000s
68: Seamus Mac Mathuna: The Slavic Contribution to Irish and Celtic Studies, 1630s-2010s
69: Dorothy Ni Uigin: Irish-Language Journalistic Efforts in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries in America, England, and Australia
70: Kenneth E. Nilsen: Irish-Language Publishing in North America: Some Gaelic Columns but Very Few Books
71: Tomas O hIde: Mainly Pedagogy-Driven: Irish-Language Publishing in the Irish-American Diaspora, 1870s-2000s
72: Dermot McGuinne: Irish Printing Type Fonts, 1560s-1960s
73: Dermot McGuinne: The Roman versus the Irish Character
74: Gerard Long: Irish-Language Book Illustration and Design, 1893-2000s
75: Dermot McGuinne: Colm O Lochlainn and the Sign of the Three Candles (1926-72)
76: Theo Dorgan: Nods to Tradition and Signposts to a Future: Leabhar Mor na hEireann (1991) and An Leabhar Mor (2002)
77: Riona Ni Fhrighil: State Censorship of Irish-Language Publications in the Twentieth Century
78: Conchur O Giollagain: Bestsellers in Irish in the Twentieth Century
79: Gus MacAmhlaigh: A Book Collector's Perspective, 1950s-2000s
80: Mairead Nic Craith: From an Oral to a Print Tradition: The Case of the Islandman (1854-1937)
81: Deirdre Ni Loingsigh: The Bibliographical Legacy of An Seabhac (1883-1964)
82: Ksenia Kudenko: A Guide to Sources for Irish-Language Book History: Histories, Catalogues, Bibliographies, Online Resources, Libraries, and Archives
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