Tort Law

Tort Law

Text, Cases, and Materials

Steele, Jenny

Oxford University Press






15 a 20 dias

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I. Introductory
1: Introduction: the shape of tort law today
II. International Interferences
2: Torts of intention
III. The Tort of Negligence
3: The standard of care in negligence
4: The duty of care: introduction and development
5: Duty of care: applications
6: Causation, remoteness, and scope of duty: connection to the damage
7: Defences to negligence
IV. General Matters
8: Limitation and contribution
9: Damages, compensation, and responsibility
10: Vicarious liability and non-delegable duties
V. Nuisance and Duties Relating to Land
11: Nuisance
12: Rylands v Fletcher and strict liability
13: Occupiers' liability
VI. Defamation and Privacy
14: Defamation
15: Privacy
VII. Stricter Liabilities
16: Product liability
17: Breach of statutory duty
18: Trespass to land and goods, and conversion
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